A master's degree often requires a lot of time and effort to earn, but can be well worth the endeavor for a multitude of reasons. Just a few of the advantages afforded by a master's degree include:

Master's Degree Versus Associate Degree

In master's degree programs you study a specific field and often focus on a topic within that subject, like information technology or teaching, in great depth. Generally speaking, master's degrees:

Reasons to Pursue a Master's Degree Program

The rationale for earning a master's degree can vary from person to person, but as a general rule, a person applying for a master's program is probably interested in one or both of the following goals:

Occupations That Can Start With a Master's Degree

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, many occupations only require candidates to have a master's degree. Here's a look at some of them:

Healthcare Fields:

Medical Billing and Coding, Public Health, Healthcare Services Administration, Allied Health, Psychology, Nursing


Special Education, Secondary Education, Elementary School Education, Education, Early Childhood Education

Technology Fields

Information Systems, Information Technology,