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Best Online Colleges for Nurse Practitioners
Nurse Practitioner Colleges
Online schools for NP provide training for nurses who want to deliver advanced nursing care to patients.
Mar 27, 2020 | By Kenya McCullum
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As a nurse practitioner you can play a huge role in your community's health. With a nurse practitioner license and a degree earned from online schools for NPs you can provide services such as determining diagnoses, creating treatment plans and prescribing medications as needed. Since there is a shortage of doctors in many areas, nurse practitioners are helping to fill gaps in care — especially in states where you're allowed to work without a doctor's supervision.
Although this position is a subsection of the nursing field, nurse practitioners are quite different from other types of nurses. For example, registered nurses are not able to prescribe medications or make diagnoses. Similarly, licensed practical nurses and licensed vocational nurses are able to provide basic medical care similar to that performed by registered nurses, but are not able to do the higher-level work that NPs regularly perform.
In order to provide these much-needed services, you are required to get specialized training, such as from a NP online program, which, according to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, in the 2017-18 academic year alone, over 28,700 people obtained at colleges around the country.
Continue reading to find out the details of what taking an NP online program entails. This page includes information on schools' admission requirements, the courses that you can expect to complete when you enroll in a nurse practitioner online program, the types of specializations that you can pursue and the certifications that are available to these professionals.
As an advanced practice nurse you've earned a post-graduate degree in nursing, such as from an advanced nursing online school. The advanced practice nurse category is separated into four general areas of specialization:
A nurse practitioner is one of these areas of specialization in an advanced nursing online school.
Not all online schools for NPs are created equal, but you can find a school that fits your lifestyle and provides the rigorous education you want to prepare for this demanding career. In order to help you find the right fit, we have compiled a list of the best online schools for NPs, which includes information on the types of NP online programs they offer and the services available to online students. Continue reading to learn about these online schools for nurse practitioner students and visit our methodologies page to learn more about how we use official data to evaluate schools.
SBU's Academic Focus: The Stony Brook University School of Nursing Office of Research and Innovation is conducting research, through their advanced nursing online school, on subjects that can impact patient outcomes, such as chronic illness management, health screenings and treatment of the aging population. Students have the opportunity to collaborate with faculty members and the school's partners to participate in this research.
Featured SBU Resource: The University has an Office of Clinical Placements that processes clinical placement requests and contracts for students within the advanced nursing online programs.
Nurse Practitioner Programs at Stony Brook University
Prospective NP online program students with a non - nursing bachelor 's degree need to submit a clinical practice portfolio to be evaluated for bachelor's - level nursing competencies when applying to each of the following programs.
ETSU's Academic Focus: The College of Nursing at East Tennessee State University is the largest nursing school in the state. In addition to teaching students in the classroom, the school has practice network clinics that treat thousands of patients a year and is involved in research scholarship.
Featured ETSU Resource: The College of Nursing offers a D.N.P. joint program with the Tennessee Tech University (ETSU-TTU Joint D.N.P) so students can take advantage of instruction and experience from educators and professionals at two universities.
Nurse Practitioner Programs at East Tennessee State University
Before applying to the following NP online programs,students must comply with all policies of the ETSU School of Graduate Studies.Some of these include being licensed or authorized to practice in Tennessee or a Nurse Licensure Compact(NLC) state and have current CPR certification.
GWU's Academic Focus: George Washington University's School of Nursing has made strides toward creating programs that train students for the rigors of the profession. Through the school's education centers — the Center for Aging, Health and Humanities; the Center for Health Policy and Media Engagement; and the Simulation and Innovation Learning Center — the school not only provides a quality education, but also helps to advance nursing research and policy.
Featured GWU Resource: The library at George Washington University provides online access to books, journals, databases and multimedia, as well as tutorials on how to find resources and properly create citations.
Nurse Practitioner Programs at George Washington University
MUSL's Academic Focus: Maryville University of Saint Louis provides student-centered education programs that bridge the gap between learners and the careers they want to pursue. In order to provide a truly personal experience that matches students' specific needs, the school offers asynchronous and synchronous online programs.
Featured MUSL Resource: Smarthinking, the school's online tutoring service, offers academic support in numerous disciplines, as well as help with preparing for a job interview.
Nurse Practitioner Programs at Maryville University of Saint Louis
GCU's Academic Focus: Grand Canyon University began in 1949 with humble beginnings and a mission to train students to become educators. Since that time, it has grown to offer numerous degree programs — from nursing to business to fine arts to science — but the school maintains its dedication to providing a quality education that can help students become knowledgeable professionals.
Featured GCU Resource: The Academic and Career Excellence Center can help advanced nursing online school students explore their career options. In addition, the Center provides guidance on interviewing, networking and resume writing skills.
Nurse Practitioner Programs at Grand Canyon University
UI's Academic Focus: The University of Iowa has a long history of offering a quality education to a diverse group of students. In fact, the school believes the diversity of their students, faculty and staff can help them fulfill their mission to explore, discover, create and engage.
Featured UI Resource: The University of Iowa's College of Nursing offers tutoring services that can be delivered by students who have excelled academically at the school.
Nurse Practitioner Programs at University of Iowa
UCF's Academic Focus: The University of Central Florida's College of Nursing, which was developed in 1979, is a leading research facility with faculty members who study areas related to patient safety and outcomes, vulnerable populations and technology and modeling.
Featured UCF Resource: With over $200,000 in scholarship funding available, as well as a loan repayment program, eligible online students who need help paying for their education can get assistance through the nursing school.
Nurse Practitioner Programs at University of Central Florida
PUGD's Academic Focus: The Purdue School of Nursing is involved in numerous research activities to help advance the field, as well as give students access to the most up-to-date information on nursing practices and procedures. Among the areas of research that faculty have been involved in are older adult care, health policy, mental health nursing, health promotion, public health and maternity nursing.
Featured PUGD Resource: The CareerNetwork is a one-stop shop where Purdue advanced nursing online school students can have their resumes and social media profiles reviewed, get customized career advice based on their education and career goals, and search and apply for open positions.
Nurse Practitioner Programs at Purdue University Global - Davenport
WSU's Academic Focus: Since it was founded in 1917, Winona State University has been offering programs designed to help busy professionals advance in their education. Back then, teachers were able to conveniently take courses during their summer breaks and the school has brought that same spirit of flexibility into the cyber age by offering over 100 online courses on the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Featured WSU Resource: The Warrior Success Center offers tutoring services and individualized advising to help online students choose a program. In addition, the Center provides access to services for those who have mental and physical disabilities that require special accommodations.
Nurse Practitioner Programs at Winona State University
CC's Academic Focus: With over 100 years of experience teaching healthcare professionals, Cox College trains students with the mission of creating a committed, strong workforce that uses evidence-based practices in order to deliver services to patients. This commitment to meeting the educational needs of future healthcare providers has resulted in thousands of students successfully completing nursing degree programs on the associate, bachelor's and master's levels.
Featured CC Resource: Cox College's Student Resource Center provides support that helps people boost the skills they need to be successful in any degree program, including time management, writing, test taking and stress reduction skills.
Nurse Practitioner Programs at Cox College
To become a nurse practitioner at an online schools for nurse practitioners you can choose to earn a degree on the master's or doctoral level. While both NP online program levels give you the opportunity to choose a specialization, learn about advanced nursing theory and get hands-on experience, there are differences between them.
Continue reading for more information on the similarities and differences between advanced nursing online school master's and doctoral degree programs.
Requirements to Enroll
Common Courses
Here's a quick comparison of how each nurse practitioner online program level addresses specific areas of study.
Advanced Nursing Theory
Statistics and Biostatistics
Organizational Leadership
Specializations in master's and doctoral nurse practitioner online programs - and in the workplace - can also be referred to as concentrations and subspecialties. NP specializations are numerous and frequently changing to meet the needs of the industry. If you're interested in concentrating on a particular aspect of the healthcare field, make sure your school's nurse practitioner online program offers coursework that complements it.
Below are listed several popular ones, but be sure to conduct your own research as well, for there might be one that's more aligned to your interests and which is unrepresented here.
Family nurse practitioners are required to earn a certification from the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. These professionals are responsible for the care of children and adults, which involves performing examinations, providing diagnoses and prescribing medications as needed. In addition, family nurse practitioners advise patients on how to prevent illnesses.
Gerontology nurse practitioners specialize in the care of the elderly, which requires that nurse practitioner online program students learn about how the aging process works, chronic illnesses that are common with older people and strategies for coordinating and delivering care to this patient population. These nurses usually work at nursing homes, ambulatory care agencies or long-term care facilities, where they may conduct tests, analyze the results and create an appropriate treatment plan; prescribe medications; monitor patients' health through the lens of what is considered normal for this age group; and address possible issues such as elder abuse or neglect.
Neonatal nurse practitioners focus their practice on the care of newborns and their daily duties include providing diagnostic tests, prescribing medication and monitoring incubators and ventilators when infants need special treatment. In addition, to meet the holistic needs of this patient group, these professionals may collaborate with social workers, other medical professionals, case managers and family members to address any issues that may arise.
This type of nurse works with young children by performing health assessments, prescribing medication as needed and creating treatment plans. They also provide education and emotional support to the parents of their patients when the child is having health challenges. In order to qualify for a pediatric nurse practitioner position, people are required to earn a certification from the Pediatric National Certification Board.
Nurses who want to specialize in the treatment of people with psychiatric disorders should earn a certification provided by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. These nurses are responsible for assessing and diagnosing mental illnesses and providing medications or psychotherapy as needed. They may work in mental health clinics, hospitals and doctor's offices, as well as private practice.
Nurse practitioner online program students who want to pursue this specialization should gain expertise on menopause, prenatal and postpartum care, and reproductive health. These professionals provide services such as preventive screenings for breast cancer, HPV and cervical cancer; care for menopause symptoms; and fertility evaluations.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that between 2018 and 2028, the job opportunities for nurse practitioners are expected to grow by 26 percent, which is faster than all other occupations. This amounts to 62,000 new positions that can be obtained at outpatient care centers, hospitals and doctor's offices. Continue reading for information on what these jobs entail.
Nurse practitioners are responsible for diagnosing injuries and illnesses, prescribing medications and changing those prescriptions as needed and examining and recording patient histories. They also have an educative role with their patients, as they provide advice on preventive care and the steps people should take in accordance with their treatment plans.
In order to become a nurse practitioner, you are required to complete a master's or doctoral degree program in nursing such as from an advanced nursing online school. An active license is required to practice, as well as a certification in the specialization you choose.
Provided by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, this credential is available to nurse practitioners who specialize in acute care.
This designation from the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board is offered to emergency nurse practitioners.
Primary care nurse practitioners who specialize in pediatric nursing can earn this certification.
The nursing profession is constantly evolving, so it's imperative for professionals to keep up with the latest developments that impact the way you perform your job. One way you can continue learning, as well as connect with your peers, is by participating in professional organizations. The following are examples of associations that you can join.