Earning an associate degree can benefit students in more ways than one, from associate degree jobs for increased pay to job security. And there are even more benefits for those who pursue such a program online, especially in our world of busy schedules and long commutes. Some of the benefits to completing online associate degree programs include:

These programs are the shortest full-length degree programs offered at the undergraduate level and.

Associate Degree versus Bachelor's Degree

As compared to other degree levels, here are some of an associate's degree requirements and programs:

Reasons to Pursue an Associate Degree Program

Despite these similarities, not all associate degree programs are necessarily the same, even taking into account the differences between different schools and majors. In particular, there are several different formats in which these programs can be completed:

Online Associate Degree Programs for Career Training

Many associate degree programs are created to help students learn the roles and responsibilities of associate degree jobs. Examples:

Associate Programs that Transfer to a Four-Year School

Other associate degree programs are more general in focus, like sociology or criminal justice, but may offer the ability to transfer to a four-year bachelor's degree program later on. These are often known as "completion" degrees, or sometimes as "2+2" degrees.

Associate Degrees Can Be Quicker to Earn

An associate degree program can be often completed in as little as two years, and sometimes less. In fact, some high schools even allow students to start earning college credit in their senior year via AP classes, offering the opportunity to start an associate degree program with multiple required courses already considered completed.

Occupations That Can Start with an Associate Degree

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, many occupations only require candidates to have an associate degree. Here's a look at some of them, but continue researching to find the associate degree jobs that best suit your interests.

Healthcare Fields:

Medical billing and coding; physical therapy assisting; nursing (at this degree level, usually for LPN/LVNs or RNs); radiology technology; Healthcare Services Administration, Medical Office Assisting

Business Fields:

Accounting, Management

Technology Fields

Information Technology, Programming