is a resource for current and prospective students who want reliable information about online colleges and degree programs. To help you make informed and confident decisions, we offer comprehensive guides that feature online colleges, online degree programs, certifications and career outlooks when you search for: is owned and operated by EducationDynamics, LLC, an industry leader in higher education marketing. EducationDynamics’ headquarters are located at 15200 Santa Fe Trail Drive, Suite 200, Lenexa, KS, 66219. For more information about EducationDynamics, LLC. Click here

Featured colleges for each of the categories can be found in our navigation bar toward the top of our page.

Our College Resources section provides additional guidance. Here, you can find:

We take great pride and care in giving you the knowledge needed to pursue your online education.

Mission Statement

At, our mission is to empower students with knowledge about distance education. We believe that informed students are best able to take their education, their careers and their futures into their own hands, benefiting them as individuals and our society as a whole.

What Makes a Good Online College?

Our goal at is to help every visitor find the online college that's best for them. That means that we don't just pick one "best" college and call it a day. We have created many different rankings that look at online colleges in many different ways. However, across our rankings, there are factors of the online college experience that we are always keeping in mind. These factors inform the criteria we choose for our rankings, and our consideration of these factors is why we feel confident that we can help you find the online college that's right for you.

Visit our methodologies page for information on our criteria.

Where We Get Our Information?

We use data from government agencies and other nationally recognized, primary sources. We make sure that our data analysis relies on a sound methodology. We don't make any claims that that are not backed up by actual data. Our favorite data sources include the following: