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In case you're not familiar with the word, an "entrepreneur" is defined by Merriam-Webster as "one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise." These professionals are the creative minds that come up with bold new business ideas and provide the impetus to get them started. This can require money, leadership, imagination and — perhaps most importantly — a keen understanding of business itself. One of the better ways to acquire such understanding is by completing a degree program in entrepreneurship, which happens to be just the subject we are here to discuss.
It's very important for entrepreneurs to start projects off on the right foot, and that includes pursuit of a degree. To make the process easier, we've compiled a list of the 10 best online colleges for entrepreneurship. We looked at schools that offered an associate or bachelor's degree program in entrepreneurship or a related field online, using data from the National Center for Education Statistics' Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).
Visit our methodologies page to learn more about how we use official data to evaluate schools.
Without further ado, we present the ten best options for online entrepreneurship degrees for those who are serious about starting their new venture off in the proper spirit.
Serving students in Minnesota for over 50 years, North Hennepin Community College has a long history of satisfied graduates. It adds to that tradition with two options for those interested in entrepreneurship.
The entrepreneurship AAS can be earned entirely online, with all credits designed to transfer to a variety of colleges in Minnesota for pursuit of a bachelor's degree. The program boosts intellectual and practical skills that suit the broader business world, providing a strong foundation for students who intend to pursue careers in everything from administration to marketing. Meanwhile, the entrepreneurship certificate focuses on what students need to know to manage or own a strong, growing business.
Those who choose to attend this online college will be glad to know that North Hennepin Community College awarded the third highest percentage of degrees in entrepreneurship in 2015 out of all 33 colleges reviewed for this list, and scored in the top third for affordability of tuition to boot. North Hennepin also offers an open admissions policy, meaning that any and all applicants are accepted as long as they have a high school diploma or a GED certificate.
7411 85th Avenue North,The Associate of Applied Science in business and entrepreneurship from Mojave Community College is designed to address the challenges of a fast-paced business world. With courses that focus on accounting, economics, human resources, business law, marketing and small business management, students who complete the program are likely to walk away from the experience with enhanced communication skills, a strong code of ethics and a strong understanding of fundamental business principles.
With open admissions and an impressive fourth-place ranking for tuition affordability — the best tuition score of all the colleges on this list — Mojave Community College is a great high-value venture for those who want to earn the associate degree and perhaps move on to an online bachelor's degree program. Interest in this college's entrepreneurship program is clear: in 2015, Mojave awarded the fifth highest percentage of entrepreneurship degrees out of all 33 colleges we looked at.
1971 Jagerson Avenue,Students seeking out a bachelor's degree in entrepreneurship might be well-served by the National American University's Bachelor of Science in business administration with an emphasis on entrepreneurship. Students are expected to graduate with a firm grasp of business plan development; product development innovation; small business and strategic entrepreneurship; and even how to handle international opportunities.
Those who prefer to pursue an associate degree can find several that focus on various points of entrepreneurship, including Small Business Management, Business Logistics and Business Administration.
The university boasts a dedicated business/entrepreneurship department, which might explain why it achieved our No.2 ranking for entrepreneurship degrees as a percentage of all degrees awarded in 2015. Just about any prospective student has the opportunity to give it a shot, as National American University has an open admissions policy.
4775 Indian School Road NE Suite 200,The AAS degree in entrepreneurship at Southeast Technical Institute is designed to prepare students for jumping into the small business world, utilizing courses in marketing, management, communication, business law, computer science and more. Students are encouraged to consider a double major, which will allow them to apply their new entrepreneurship skills to a business path that will suit them well upon graduation.
The open admissions policy of Southeast Technical Institute means any student with a high school diploma or GED certificate can try their hand at earning a degree here. Evidence suggests that most take it quite seriously, considering the No.4 ranking this school earned for graduation rate. Students can also look forward to favorable tuition; the school ranked No.5 for affordable tuition rates.
2320 N Career Ave,The Bachelor of Science in Business and Entrepreneurial Studies at University of Maine at Machias focuses on helping students to build a strong base in marketing, business, accounting, statistics and economics. Students can then choose from one of six concentrations: accounting, business sustainability, marketing, management, sport and fitness management, or a self-designed option.
Entrepreneurial studies is a big deal at UMM, where a whopping 15% of all degrees awarded are in entrepreneurship or a closely related field — by far the highest of all universities we reviewed. The school also has the No.9 ranking for graduation rate and an open admissions policy to recommend it to prospective students.
116 O'Brien Ave,Business-minded students at the College of Southern Idaho can look forward to the Associate of Applied Science in business management and entrepreneurship. Those who pursue the degree can expect to learn about the modern business environment, business law, general management skills and basic concepts of the business world. Though the program is designed to help students jump into the workforce upon graduation, those who are interested in a bachelor's degree might be able to transfer their credits.
CSI ranks No.9 out of 33 schools on our list for affordability, and ranks No.9 again in another of our metrics: percentage of entrepreneurship degrees awarded in 2015. Coupled with an open admissions policy, it's safe to say that any student who wants to try their hand at the small-business dream should consider doing so at the College of Southern Idaho.
315 Falls Ave,Those with an eye toward work in the retail market can find the skills they need at Gennesee Community College, part of the State University of New York System (SUNY). Students in the entrepreneurship AAS program have access to a broad base of knowledge, including courses in accounting, operations management, merchandise management, information technology, e-commerce and much more.
Students seeking a fully online experience should note that Genesee Community College requires students to attend some courses in person; the entrepreneurship program is about 75% online. Those who choose to pursue the entrepreneurship certificate, however, can earn their certificate entirely online.
With an open admissions policy and a graduation rate in the top half of all schools surveyed, GCC is a great option for dedicated, business-minded students. The school also ranked in the top 10 out of all 33 schools we surveyed for tuition costs, which means that its in-depth education in retail entrepreneurship can be quite affordable.
One College Road,Students at Minnesota State Community and Technical College have access to five programs that focus on entrepreneurship — one of the highest number of programs offered by a school on this list. The AAS in business entrepreneurship focuses on skills that will help graduates assess opportunities, obtain financial backing, prepare business plans and market business ventures. Meanwhile, those who want to dip their toes into the field but aren't ready to pursue the associate degree can opt for the business entrepreneurship diploma or one of three different certificates focused on various areas of the entrepreneurship world:
An open admissions policy means all high school graduates are welcome, and the fantastic graduation rate — ranked 5th on our list — indicates that most students at M State take their education quite seriously. Tuition ranks comfortably in the middle of the list; the ability to complete all courses online helps drop the cost of M State's education even further.
1414 College Way,Students who enroll in the AAS in entrepreneurship program at Great Basin College can look forward to understanding the legal issues, financial difficulties and organizational issues of running a small business. They should also learn how to find mentoring and sources of funding, engage in in-depth networking, and learn to develop marketing and business plans. Students who want to continue their education beyond the associate degree can use their credits to leap into the Bachelor of Applied Science in management in technology.
With open admissions, a thriving business department and an impressive number of degree options, Great Basin College shines in our rankings. But the real beauty of this college opportunity is the affordable tuition: GBC ranks sixth on our list for tuition, making it one of the more attainable options out there.
1500 College Parkway,When seeking out online bachelor's degree programs in entrepreneurship, students can look to Lamar University's Bachelor of Business Administration in entrepreneurship. This online degree program is built to provide a strong foundation for future business owners and managers, encompassing courses in accounting, finance, management and analysis. Communication skills and development strategies hold a particular emphasis.
Various start dates throughout the year make it easier for busy students to fit Lamar's education into their schedule. It's unfortunate to note that admission to Lamar University is highly competitive, with just over 79 percent of applicants accepted. However, the graduation rate for the school ranked seventh out of 33 schools, which makes it one of the top producing schools for entrepreneurs.
4400 MLK Blvd,Bruce Barringer, Ph.D.
Department Head, School of Entrepreneurship
Oklahoma State University
Bruce Barringer, Ph.D.
Department Head, School of Entrepreneurship
Oklahoma State University
Q: What qualities make Oklahoma State University's online program in entrepreneurship outstanding?
A: Our classes are taught by a mix of traditional academics and clinical professors who have business startup experience. That combination provides our students the ideal mix of theory and real-world entrepreneurial experience. Our classes are rigorous yet practical. We also integrate "experiential learning" experiences into all of our classes. As a result, students don't simply take classes. They acquire the tools and experiences needed to be successful in an increasingly entrepreneurial world.
The [current] student body ranges in age from 22 to 62 in this program, and that makes for a very interesting dynamic between younger and older students. At any given time, I have students in 40 out of 50 states and probably half a dozen foreign countries. That brings a range of perspectives and life and professional experience into the classroom like no other project management program of which I am aware.
Q: What support does Oklahoma State University offer their online student body?
A: We offer the same level of support to our online students as our students taking classes on our campus. That involves one-on-one mentoring from our professors, access to our "Student Startup Central," which is the location where students work on business ideas, and access to all of our events, including Pitch & Poster Competitions and Startup Weekends. In some cases, our online students travel to our Stillwater campus to participate in activities.
Q: How does the online program at Oklahoma State University differ from the on-campus program?
A: The classes and professors are the same. The online students don't have the advantage of being present on campus, but our professors are accessible to them and they are able to work in groups and participate in experiential activities through our online platform. Our students consistently give us high marks for the experience they have in our online program.
From certificates that can be earned over the span of a few months to doctoral programs that take several years to complete, students interested in entrepreneurship education can find a program that suits their career goals. Let's delve further into what students may learn when they opt for online colleges for entrepreneurship.
Students can begin their journey into entrepreneurship with an undergraduate certificate, which can prepare students to enter the workforce with a more business-oriented approach. A certificate often requires a handful of courses that take up to a year or so to complete. Some common courses in the certificate program include:
In many cases, the credits earned in a certificate program can be applied toward earning an associate degree in entrepreneurship, business or another similar degree path. An associate degree program prepares students to enter the workforce immediately; alternatively, the associate degree credits can serve as a stepping stone to the bachelor's degree. Associate students are likely to take courses such as:
Those who choose to pursue online bachelor's degree programs in entrepreneurship can expect to attend up to four years of courses, though some accelerated programs might allow for completion on a shorter schedule. Students can expect courses across such subjects as accounting, economics, business, management and even philosophy. Here's a sampling:
In graduate studies, namely master's and doctoral programs, students immerse themselves in a highly specialized degree program that allows them to hone in on their particular interests in the entrepreneurial world. In addition to more in-depth courses on topics in business law, technology and strategy, many schools require students to put their learning into action by creating their small business plan and working toward the goal of creating it.
Those who earn online entrepreneurship degrees will usually walk away from the experience with a wealth of new knowledge and honed skills.
Although you might think that entrepreneurship studies are best suited for those who wish to start their own businesses, the skills learned are applicable to many types of careers. With problem solving, management, and creative thinking at the heart of entrepreneurship, take a look at some of the professions that end up being a good fit for entrepreneurship graduates.
These company leaders are responsible for creating and executing the high-level vision of specific areas of their organizations. Sometimes called the "C-suite," there are various "chief" or upper level executive roles in most companies, including Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Chief Information Officer (CIO) and others. Although you can "climb the corporate ladder" to attain these positions, most people in these roles hold a minimum of a bachelor's degree, but more commonly, an MBA or other related master's degree. Since entrepreneurial skills are very useful for tackling business challenges and getting staff to rally around the core mission of the company, taking an executive path is a natural fit.
A somewhat new role, these professionals are responsible for ensuring that organizations follow through on their commitments to environmental responsibility. From reducing the carbon footprint, to recycling efforts, to energy efficient operations, sustainability is an important part of the modern business world. A bachelor's degree in a business field like entrepreneurship with some coursework in sustainability and environmental science is a good pathway into this up-and-coming career.
Someone needs to oversee the day-to-day operations of a company to ensure that processes are flowing smoothly, and that each department has the resources it needs to be highly productive while working within set operating costs. That's where general managers come in. To get to management levels, a few years of work experience is almost always required, but many companies expect applicants to hold a bachelor's or master's degree in a relevant field like entrepreneurial studies or business administration as well.
These are the people who write and help pass new laws. In many cases, legislators are elected or appointed politicians who have previous experience and well-developed entrepreneurial skills from the private sector. Because building close ties in a community is often necessary to break into this career track, small business owners with a solid history of successful entrepreneurship and community involvement are often ideal candidates. Typically, most legislators have at least a bachelor's degree, with some coursework in political science, law and/or business.